jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Voy a hacer un club de fans de my dear teacher Karina, en serio, and I'm gonna be the president.

Hoy estaba contando su criterio a la hora de sacar a la gente a hacer las prácticas: si tu nombre le parece bonito/curioso, la has cagado.

-For example, you, Grabiela. I love that name. Do you like your name, Grabiela?

-Ehh... no. In fact, I hate it.

-Noooo!! -gesticula, mueve los brazos como aspas de un molino.-  How awful! Do you hate your beatiful name? It's very nice, and original! I've to tell you something. When I was pregnant, I was looking for a name for my daughter and I thought in Grabiela. But in the end I called her Micaela, anyway, a jewish name. But last summer she went to a "campamento" and there a girl asked her: "¿Por qué tienes nombre de abuela?" When my cute, baby daughter told me that, I can't believe it. Why are you so strange here in Spain? "Angustias" or "Dolores", well, they are old-fashioned names, I agree... but Micaela and Gabriela are good, even nowadays, they are very original. And you, Grabiela, please, tell me the reason why your mother put you that beautiful name...

-...because it's my grandma's name...


(En serio, amo a esta mujer).

2 comentarios:

Mew dijo...

Epic fail, but kinda funny. Do you learn English with her or just felt like writing in this language?
Good luck with the club, but remember: don't turn into a stupid brainless fangirl.

Niwa dijo...


Tu profesora promete, sin duda, creo que me gustaría tener una clase con ella... Aunque antes pediría una lista de los nombre que le gustan xD

Un besazo, pequeña escritora ^^