martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

I swear, I always intend going to bed early, as the responsible young woman I am, but every time providence send me a distraction (or directly  catastrophe, as I will show you know).

It happened that I was tidying my room just before jumping into bed when a unexpected guest entered into my room runing as faster as hell. And I would have welcomed she (or he, I do not really now yet) but for the fact she/he was kind of... special. Eight legs. Long legs. A very huge body. An enormous spider. And when I say that I am not exaggerating. (Writers never exaggerates everybody nows that for sure).

I remained stuck in the flor, trembling, as my... unexpected guest hid under the bed.

When the... unexpected vision of her/his brown body disappeared into the shadows, I could at last breathe and move. I did not know what to do. I am a pacifist, so I consider the idea of just convincing her/him to leave, just using speaking, non-offesive methods. I do not like killing, even when we are talking about insects, for example, who are commonly mascred between human beings, who considere them generally disgusting. Insects are not disgusting for me, but are scary, I do not why, probably because some old information written in my genoma long, long time ago, when the people in the wild had to be really careful with this little (and often poisonous) companions...

The thing is, I was really scared but something was clear: I could not sleep knowing that this huge... being was sleeping (or not, that was what really frightened me) under my bed. But I did not have the strenght to face her/him. So in the end I decided to call V., who is a girl and also one of the Resident Assistant in the place where I live. She was really nice, understanding and quick. She flew to my room in a couple of minutes. However, in that small amount of time my... unexpected guest run another little marathon around the room, which make me feel ill while I consider the idea of climbing over the table... Just for avoiding a possible attack of this being that seemed more scared than me, yes, but you never know, specially when one is under pressure...

But I would tell in my defense, for those who think that I am just a coward, that V. told me it was the biggest spider she has never seen in Edinburgh. And I thought it was a pity. There are a lot of people doing Biology in this residence. Having gone to visit one of them, my unexpected guest would have been much more well treated... but me, a poor artist, a sensible creature of letters and lover of the invisible things... the fear made me blind to all the possible enchants of this poor spider (I am sure she/he should have them).

In the end, the unexpected guest tried to run his/her third marathon but she/he found herself/himself under a shoe in the most violently way. Inmediatly she/he suffered another hit and become, literally, part of the fitted carpet's design.

It is a cruel destiny, I know. And for those who believe in karma or reincarnation... well, I think I would better not think about that.

As my mother told me:

-The spider should have been more scared as you... Just imagine you were the spider!

No, I would not like to.

Who knows. Maybe she/he was so big because she/he was a mutant spider. Considering that true, a biting of this spider would made me have extraordinary powers, as, for example, Spiderman...

Oh, Gods.

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