miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Writers! What a strange capricious fussy creatures we are! We like readers to tell us that our stories and fantastic, wonderful, amazing and exciting. We love praises. But sometimes, we feel... a little tired of praises. Because we know that we are humans (yes, I know it's hard to believe but...), so we can make mistakes. And we begin to think if all of these praises are true. For this reason we catch some unlucky reader and we ask him: "Well, I know you really enjoy my story but... please, tell me the truth. Do you change anything?" "Eh... no, no, I like your story, I think that the characters and the argument are..." "Yes, yes, I know, they are completely wonderful. But please, don't worry, and be honest. Perfection doesn't exist,I know, so if there is something that you think is wrong, you can tell me, we are friends, aren't we?" "Well... maybe that scene... I liked it, but, Don't you think is a little crazy because...?" "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT MY FANTASTIC STORY?! ARRRGGH!" And at this point we, the writers, can't avoid exploding and eating that stupid reader who thinks that our splendid story it's not good enough. They criticize our work because they don't know how hard it is! But, I have to admit that, some days after we begin to think that, maybe (only maybe) that unlucky reader was right. And weeks after, we realize that he (or she) was absolutely right and his (or her) idea had changed for the better our story! However, it's too late for the reader (who is dead, of course) and the only thing that we can do in order to be grateful to him (or her) is... putting flowers on his grave. How sad! Don't you think so? I haven't mentioned that yet but the writer's life is hard. Too hard.

2 comentarios:

Mew dijo...

Well, since I don't consider myself a writer I shouldn't comment like I always do... but a leopard never changes its spots, so here I am.

Writers, readers... they need each other like fire needs oxygen in order to exist. No matter what their opinions could be, if there are no readers for a story... well, it's over before it started. I understand the frustration an author could feel when a review is not his/her liking, but nobody said it was easy. The world of writing it's a world full of obstacles, but that is not enough reason to stoppin' you from succed.

Anyway... I want you to interpret my comment as a great praise. A pretty great one.
(I'm so afraid I'm not ready to die yet)

Oh, btw (I almost forget)... you said you're curious and you would like to ask more. Well then, go on!

Mew dijo...

Jaja, sé que no viene a cuento para nada, pero como antes hablabas de la curiosidad que sentías por lo del tema de la edad, se me acaba de ocurrir que la visión que yo tengo de mi edad es como la de la incógnita de la ecuación de un límite... tiende "siempre" al infinito xd

En fin, tantas matemáticas no pueden ser buenas.